I have confidence in You


There are certain situations I go through in my life that threaten the truth of God’s Word. They cause doubt, fear or/and worry which leads to unbelief, thereby nullifying faith. But I know that irrespective of the situation, God’s Word remains true- it is up to me to have confidence in it.

There’s a song that I love so much that helps me get through times like this and I’d teach it to you (if you don’t know it already). I’m not really sure of its origin but I’d title it “I have confidence in You”. The lyrics below:

I have confidence in You, Jesus
I have confidence in You, Savior
I have confidence in You, anytime, anywhere
I have in confidence in You, Jehovah

I made an audio recording of the song just so you’d know how it goes.

Food for thought:

Sing this song over and again and watch every doubt, fear, worry recede.

Life nugget:

Philippians 2:9-11 “9 Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: 10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; 11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”

Let’s reach a compromise

(Photo credit- calbuzz.com)

Compromise: com·pro·mise  [kom-pruh-mahyz]

“a settlement of differences by mutual concessions; an agreement reached by adjustment of conflicting or opposing claims, principles, etc., by reciprocal modification of demands.”

This is one of the devil’s greatest trick against every believer. He always comes with the “Let’s reach a compromise” dialogue. Let’s look at some examples:


Abraham’s flesh[temptation]: So, God said He will make you a father of many nations right? Are you sure? Continue reading

You can still turn it around

(Photo credit- hollywoodnews.com)

How you end a journey does not have to be dependent on how you started it. Let me show you an example in the Bible. I saw it yesterday and I was stunned.

We all know the story of Abraham and Sarah and how they couldn’t have a child. The Bible gives us an account of when 3 “Angels” visited Abraham. They told Abraham that he would have  a child. Now let’s look at Genesis 18: 13-15: Continue reading