…And he cheated on her (final part)

(Photo credit- goodreads.com)

You can read previous parts here: part 1 and part 2.

John steadied himself from the sudden wave that seemed to have entered the place and hit him. He did the necessary formalities and made his way to the room. Hand in head, he wondered how it all came down to this. What were the odds that his “mistress” and his wife were sharing a cup of tea downstairs watching something that was none of their business happening thousands of miles away?

“Mistress”…The word left a bad taste in his mouth. When did he become a cheat? Why did she become a nag because of this child bearing issue? Even more, why wasn’t he there for her? He had started working late just to avoid her. Why did he let anger consume him? Why did he have to resolve to alcohol that night? In fact, why did he even drink so much all his life? And oh…how will he ever face God again? He had let down his guard and… Continue reading