Discussions- And he cheated on her

(Photo credit- memegenerator.net)

You can read the just concluded series here: part 1, part 2 and final part. Many of you found it funny that it was all a dream. Some ‘mean’ ones among us were upset…LOL. They wanted the John to really cheat on Ada. Anyways, what can we glean from the story? Here goes:

  • Anger: There’s something about anger that destroys. Remaining angry is even worse. Imagine if you’e been keeping your cool for so long and then one day you suddenly have an outburst and things crumble, in the end, it will still be your fault because you let anger have even a breathing space. Anger kills. When anger wants to take over you, just remember that you are not Continue reading

…And he cheated on her (final part)

(Photo credit- goodreads.com)

You can read previous parts here: part 1 and part 2.

John steadied himself from the sudden wave that seemed to have entered the place and hit him. He did the necessary formalities and made his way to the room. Hand in head, he wondered how it all came down to this. What were the odds that his “mistress” and his wife were sharing a cup of tea downstairs watching something that was none of their business happening thousands of miles away?

“Mistress”…The word left a bad taste in his mouth. When did he become a cheat? Why did she become a nag because of this child bearing issue? Even more, why wasn’t he there for her? He had started working late just to avoid her. Why did he let anger consume him? Why did he have to resolve to alcohol that night? In fact, why did he even drink so much all his life? And oh…how will he ever face God again? He had let down his guard and… Continue reading

Discussion: I met Him in church series

(Photo credit- winasheriwisha.blogspot.com)

The I met Him in church series is now concluded (you can read here: part 1, part 2 and part 3). I have had feedback from you guys and I just thought I’d make a compilation of it here.

  • Not every one who is in church is in church. The fact that someone attends all the Church meetings does not mean he/she is truly in Christ. It makes sense that the Bible tells us to try every spirit (1 John 4:1). In the end, actions speak louder than words because it is not only by hearing the Word but by doing it (James 1:22-25).
  • Plain ignorance: One of the comments I received was Continue reading

I met him in Church (part 3)

(Photo credit- telegraph.co.uk)

You can read part 1 here and part 2 here.

~The fall~

Even he was amazed at how lucky he was with this one. It didn’t take long for him to convince her that sex between two consenting adults that love themselves irrespective of marital status was not against the laws in the Holy Book. His explanation was based off 1 Corinthians 6. “Paul said you should not take your body and be with a harlot. Are you a harlot?

As time went on, He had even succeeded in cutting her off from the fold. She had a fallout with her choir leader in Church and he had advised her to leave the Church completely. At that point, he had complete control over her because even for a heathen, he knew there was something about that Word they preach in Churches that is able to pierce through hearts. That wasn’t good for ‘business’. Continue reading

I met him in Church (part 2)

(Photo credit- love14f.blogspot.com)

You can read part 1 here.

~Bait activated~

Three weeks later, he had been attending all the services faithfully, even the midweek services. It was necessary for her to see his faithfulness. He had waited enough and it was time to make his move.

He put on his jacket as he walked towards the door, purposely counting his steps to allow for perfect timing.

You first” Ola said.

Thank you.” She replied as she walked through the open door.

I don’t mean to pry but when one of the beautiful things about coming to Church is missing, one can get very gloomy indeed

How do you mean?” she replied.

Ola continued, “Well, I noticed you weren’t your smiley self today. As someone who’s new in the faith, seeing you always happy gave me hope that I will find the same kind of joy in Jesus but today was different.Continue reading

I met him in Church

(Photo credit- miraimages.photoshelter.com)

Another relationship series. As before, let’s discuss at the end. Enjoy.


He made his way to the restroom. He had to be quick, it was almost time. 3 stalls, the middle one was empty. Of course. No man would ‘willing’ stand next to another guy doing his business; it had something to do with privacy. But there was no time for privacy. He took his position at the available urinal. He felt like Jesus on the cross, one thief on his left and another on his right. *smug* But he was nothing like Jesus and even he knew that; however, the people of Jesus were good to him. In fact they were so good-


He removed the thought-disturbing device from his pocket. It was her again. “You no go go Church ni?” he murmured as he dropped the phone near the wash-hand basin and proceeded to wash his hands. He couldn’t help but grin as he cast his mind back to how it all happened: Continue reading